Are there benefits to distance education?



    Classes and programs are available to students who cannot attend in person
    Saves students time because they don’t have to travel to classes
    Often cheaper than location-based classes
    Often offers more flexible scheduling
    Less likely to be subject to class-size restrictions (i.e. classes available to more students)
    Less interactivity and support than traditional classroom learning
    Students must be self-motivated and self-directed
    Most programs require knowledge of and access to computers, Web browsers, email, and word-processing programs
    Some programs require continuous access to the Internet
    Students miss out on benefits of classroom attendance, such as getting to know the instructor/ other students, and group discussions of views and opinions[2887]

BEWARE: Distance Education programs can vary in quality and legitimacy (quality of instruction can be low, credits/degrees may not be recognized by other schools or programs). Some programs are outright scams. (For information on how to tell if a program is a scam, see Choosing Your Educational Path, PG. 849).

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    U.S. Dep’t of Educ. Office of Vocational and Adult Educ., Take Charge of Your Future: Get the Education and Training You Need (2012).