I am on informal probation. will I have to report to a probation officer?

No. If you’re on informal probation, you’ll report to the County Superior Court.[742] The judge gets to decide how you will report and how often you will have to report. In some cases, the judge may ask you to appear in court for “progress reports” to make sure you are following the conditions of your probation.[743] In most cases, however, you will not actually have to appear in court; the court will monitor your progress through your attendance in required courses or treatment programs. But if you fail to attend these courses or programs, you may have to go to court to explain to the judge why. Make sure you contact the probation department in your county for a list of courses or treatment programs that the court recognizes and accepts.

  1. 742

    Cal. Penal Code § 1203(a).

  2. 743

    For example, if the court ordered you to go to substance abuse treatment, then when you appear for your “progress report,” the court will ask for written reports or attendance sheets from your treatment program.