When is the PRCS vs. Parole assessment done?

Before you are released from prison, a correctional counselor will screen your case and decide whether to refer you to state parole or PRCS.[771] The correctional officer should start this screening process at least 180 days prior to your calculated release date.[772] The CDCR Form 611, “Release Program Study” (RPS) (see example in Appendix S, PG. 297) is used to determine if you will be eligible for PRCS after release.[773]

  1. 771

    Cal. Penal Code § 3451(a).

  2. 772

    CDCR, http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/realignment/Post-Release-Community-Supervision.html.

  3. 773

    CPOC, http://www.cpoc.org/assets/Realignment/whatcountiesneedtoknow.pptx.