What types of Associate Degrees are there?

There are two categories of associate degrees:

    Associate of Arts (AA)/Associate of Science (AS)
    Associate of Applied Arts (AAA)/Associate of Applied Science (AAS).

AA and AS degree programs tend to be designed for students who eventually want to earn a bachelor’s degree at a four-year college or university. Therefore, these programs focus more on preparing students for higher levels of academic study. The courses offered and credits earned in an AA or AS program are meant to be easily transferred to a four-year college. (See PG. 875 for information on transferring credits.)

The “Applied” degrees (AAA and AAS), on the other hand, are more geared toward preparing students for a particular career. Therefore, these programs emphasize more technical and vocational skills. AAAs and AASs are the college degree equivalent of CTE certificates.[2852]

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    Olivia Crosby, Associate Degree: Two Years to a Career or a Jump Start to a Bachelor’s Degree, Occupational Outlook Quarterly, Winter 2002-03.