I have a felony conviction that automatically bans me from adopting a child. can record clearing remedies help me adopt?
Maybe. If you successfully obtain a felony reduction under Penal Code section 17(b), your conviction must be treated as a misdemeanor for all purposes — including adoption.[2495] This means you can no longer be automatically banned on the basis of your felony conviction alone. Depending on the nature and circumstances of your crime, a family court, dependency court, and/or an adoption agency may still consider your reduced conviction as one factor among many indicating your fitness to adopt. (See previous question.) However, keep in mind that the act of seeking a felony reduction is evidence of your initiative and a desire to move forward with your life. Emphasize this and other factors showing proof of rehabilitation in your application.
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See Gebremicael v. California Com. on Teacher Credentialing (2004) 118 Cal. App. 4th 1477. ↑