What is spousal support?

When a couple legally separates or divorces, a judge in family court may order one spouse or domestic partner to pay the other a certain amount of money each month in order to help pay for the less earning spouse or partner’s living expenses.[2590] This is called “spousal support” for married couples and “partner support” in domestic partnerships.[2591] It is sometimes also called “alimony.”[2592] To understand more about divorce and legal separation, see the section beginning on PG. 774.

IMPORTANT! Spousal and partner support are difficult legal issues. See a lawyer or a family law facilitator in your court. The family law facilitator will help you for free to:


    Understand spousal/partner support — how long the support may last and how it may affect your taxes;Help you calculate spousal or partner support; andPrepare court forms.To find a family law facilitator to help you understand spousal or partner support, see Appendix A, PG. 797 for resources.
  1. 2590

    Cal. Fam. Code §§ 3600-3604.

  2. 2591

    Cal. Fam. Code §§ 3600-3604.

  3. 2592

    Cal. Fam. Code §§ 3600-3604.