How do payments made by earnings assignment work?
- When the court orders “wage garnishments,” your employer receives court papers that will tell him or her the amount of money that should be taken out (withheld) from your check each pay period. Once your employer receives this paperwork, he or she has just a few days to start taking the money out from your next paycheck.[2595]
Once this money is taken from your paycheck (or “withheld), your employer will send your money based on the type of order was issued. If your order was for:
- …spousal or partner support only, your employer will forward the payments to your spouse or partner directly.
- …child support AND the local child support agency (LCSA) is involved, your employer will take the amount that was court ordered and will send it directly to the LSCA.
- …child support and spousal support and the local child support agency (LCSA) is NOT involved, the money will be sent to the California State Disbursement Unit (SDU).[2596]
If you have any questions about the SDU, contact the SDU directly at 1-866-901-3212 or visit the California State Disbursement Unit's website listed on Appendix A, PG. 797.
- 2595
Judicial Council of Cal., Paying a Spousal/Partner Support Order, ↑
- 2596
Judicial Council of Cal., Paying a Spousal/Partner Support Order, ↑