After Release: What to Expect in your first days out on mandatory supervision

What must I do after I get released onto Mandatory Supervision?

You must report to your County Probation Department for Mandatory Supervision within 2 working days after your release from state prison, court, or county jail.[812]

Other instructions for what to do when you first get out on Mandatory Supervision vary from county to county, and you should check with your local county’s probation office for a list of all the requirements.

  1. 812

    See L.A. Cnty. Prob. Dep’t, Just Released,!ut/p/b1/04_Sj9Q1MjA1tzS0NDcw04_Qj8pLLMtMTyzJzM9LzAHxo8zi3QwMDNz9nYKN_INdjA083dydnA39TQyNgo2ACiKRFRg4u1saeDqZuFt4mYUYOvuZE9Ifrh-FT0mwoTG6AixWgBUY4ACOBgSs8DLR9_PIz03Vz43KsfTMDEgHAB9RScE!/dl4/d5/L2dJQSEvUU.