How can I request an accommodation or file a complaint if I feel that probation is not accommodating my disability, or if I am not getting access to probation services or programs?
Unlike for state parole, there are no formal probation policies or procedures to request accommodations or file a complaint related to your disability. Each county does things differently, and many counties have no formal procedures. You can first talk to your probation officer and explain the situation to him/her OR you may ask a judge to modify your probation to accommodate your disability by filing a motion requesting a change. Please Appendix AA, on PG. 314, for detailed steps on the process.
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The information in this section is based on our staff’s conversation with probation staff in Alameda, Contra Costa, and Yolo Counties, and our law clerk’s conversation with probation staff in Sacramento. If your county Probation Department employs more than 50 people (including POs and other staff), the department is required by law to provide a formal complaint (grievance) process. 28 C.F.R. § 35.107(b). However, most Probation Departments do not have formal grievance procedures to request accommodations or complain about discrimination based on disability. ↑