After Release: What to Expect in Your First Days Out on PRCS

What must I do when I first get out on PRCS?

You must report to your County Probation Department for PRCS supervision within 2 working days after your release from state prison, court, or county jail.[774] Instructions for what to do when you first get out on PRCS vary from county to county. Please see Appendix Z on PG. 313 for some examples of the PRCS release process in a few California counties.

  1. 774

    See L.A. Cnty. Prob. Dep’t, Just Released,!ut/p/b0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOLdDAwM3P2dgo38g12MDTzd3J2cDf1NDI3MjPQLsh0VATnS4xE!/.

Where will I be released to on PRCS?

In most cases, you will be sent to the county of your last legal residence before you were incarcerated.[775] However, CDCR can send you to PRCS in a different county for various reasons, including victim safety concerns, to help you maintain family ties, or so you can benefit from work or educational programs.[776]

Please keep reading for more information on how to make a request to be sent to a different county other than the one you last legally lived in.

  1. 775

    Cal. Penal Code § 3003.

  2. 776

    Cal. Penal Code § 3003(a)-(c).

Can I request that CDCR send me to PRCS in a different county than where they want to send me?

Yes. While you are in prison, you can request to be released on to PRCS in a different county than where CDCR has assigned you—which is typically the county of last legal residence. Please read the section on how to request a PRCS County Transfer, beginning on PG. 206.