Who issues an arrest warrant or summons to appear at a hearing if I violate federal parole or mandatory release?

Only a Parole Commissioner may issue a warrant or a summons for a violation of the conditions of your release on federal parole.[1070]

Any officer of any Federal correctional institution or any Federal officer authorized to execute the warrant will do so by returning you to the custody of the Attorney General.[1071]

You must be served with a summons to appear at a preliminary interview or revocation hearing by a Federal officer who is authorized to serve you, and proof of such service shall be returned to the appropriate regional office of the USPC.[1072]

  1. 1070

    28 C.F.R. § 2.44.

  2. 1071

    28 C.F.R. § 2.46(a).

  3. 1072

    28 C.F.R. § 2.46(d)