What is SENATE BILL 180 (SB 180)?
SB 180 amended existing California law imposing mandatory sentencing enhancements on individuals convicted of drug-related offenses that had prior convictions involving controlled substances.[338] Starting January 1, 2018, courts will only impose sentencing enhancements for prior felony convictions involving specific controlled substances and committed with the help of a minor.[339]
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Legislative Counsel’s Digest, Senate Bill No. 180 (Oct. 11, 2017), available at http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB180; Cal. Health & Saf. code § 11370.2. ↑
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Cal. Health & Saf. Code § 11380. ↑
How can SENATE BIILL 180 (SB 180) help me?
SB 180 is NOT retroactive, which means it will not apply to criminal cases that are already final.[340] However, if you have a drug prior and pick up a new case, the court will no longer be required to impose a three-year sentencing enhancement if you are convicted, unless your case involves a minor.
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Prison Law Office, “New Laws on Gun and Drug Enhancements” (Oct. 2017), available at http://prisonlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Gun-and-Drug-Enhancements-SB-620-SB-180-Oct-2017.pdf. ↑