What does it mean to “abuse” the 602 administrative appeal process?
In addition to having appeals rejected or cancelled, a prisoner who “abuses” the appeal process may be subjected to other restrictions. Abuse of the appeal process includes submitting more than one non-emergency appeal within a period of 14 calendar days, repeatedly re-submitting appeals that have been cancelled, or submitting an appeal that contains false, obscene, or slanderous, statements, purposely exceeding the space provided on the 602 form, or misusing the emergency appeals process.[649] The first abusive appeal will be processed routinely, but the Appeals Coordinator will begin screening future non-emergency appeals for abuse. If you persistently submit abusive appeals, the Appeals Coordinator will send you a warning letter.[650] If the abuse continues, the Appeals Coordinator will meet with you, and can then suspend processing of your non-emergency appeals and refer the matter to the third level Appeals Chief.[651] The Appeals Chief can decide to restrict you to one non-emergency appeal every 30 calendar days for a period of one year; any further appeal abuse can result in an extension of your restriction period.[652]