Parole is not accommodating my disability, and I am not getting fair treatment or equal access to Parole services or programs. What can I do?

If you are a person with a disability asking for fair treatment or asking for access to parole services or programs, there is a special CDCR appeals process for you. Follow these steps:[663]

STEP 1: Fill out CDCR Form 1824, “Request for Modification or Reasonable Accommodation” (a yellow form, see Appendix Q, PG. 291). If you cannot fill out the form due to your disability, seek help from your parole agent, an advocate, or a friend or family member. All parole offices should have this form. You do not need to request an informal review through Form 22 (like you do with the regular 602 appeals process), and you do not need to fill our Form 602, before filing a Form 1824.

STEP 2: If you get a first level response from Parole denying your request, you can appeal to the second level by attaching the original CDCR Form 1824 (find a sample copy in Appendix Q, PG. 291) to a regular CDCR Form 602 administrative appeal (find a sample copy in Appendix J, PG. 277), with Section F of CDCR Form 602 filled out. Send both forms to the Regional Parole Administrator (see Appendix D, PG. 277 for the contact information).

STEP 3: If you get a second level response denying your request, you can send the appeal to the third level for review.

STEP 4: If you get a third level response denying your request, that means you have “exhausted” (completed) all three levels of the 1824 disability appeals process, and you can bring the issue to court by filing a state petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the superior court of the county of your parole. See Appendix K, PG. 280 to learn how. Find the forms online at:

  1. 663

    Armstrong v. Brown Remedial Plan at 4, Bd. of Parole Hearings, Cal. Dep’t of Corr. & Reh.