How do I apply for enrollment in my ancestors’ tribe?

Each tribe has its own enrollment process and has the authority to determine whether an individual is eligible for enrollment.[3376] There are 109 federally-recognized tribes in California, and another 78 tribes currently petitioning for federal recognition.[3377] To get information about your eligibility for membership, you should contact the relevant tribe’s enrollment department. You may be able to find the contact information for the enrollment office online and you can either call them directly or send them a letter asking to receive enrollment information. If you have relatives in the area close to your Tribe you can ask them to inquire for you and forward the information.

While you are waiting, you should work on preparing your family tree information, particularly as relating to your tribal relatives. This will help the enrollment department figure out your eligibility. Additionally, you will most likely need a certified copy of your original birth certificate. (See PG. 31 to learn how to get a certified copy of your birth certificate.) If you are a Native American adoptee, you can find information on how to obtain your birth records at California Indian Legal Services web site at

You can also contact out-of-state tribes about enrollment requirements by reaching out to specific tribal enrollment offices. Note, however, that several tribes have more than one location and/or tribal name (e.g., Cherokees of Oklahoma, Cherokees of North Carolina, etc.), so you may have to send letters to multiple offices. If you are specifically inquiring as to whether or not you are eligible to enroll, remember that the more family tree information you can send, the easier it will be for them to make that determination.

Once you are enrolled, you must continue to update your address with the enrollment office.

  1. 3376

    A Guide to Tracing American Indian & Alaska Native Ancestry, Bureau of Indian Affairs,

  2. 3377

    California Tribal Communities, California Courts,