Where do I get this information for expungement?

The best way to get this information is from your RAP sheet. You will need the RAP sheet that has information on ALL of your convictions.

Choose the RAP sheet that has information on ALL of your cases:

    Your local (county) RAP sheet will list only your cases in that county, so only use this if ALL of your cases are from the SAME COUNTY (or if you only have 1 case). For information on getting your local county RAP sheet, see PG. 951.
    Your California (DOJ) RAP sheet will list all of your cases in California, so use this if ALL of your cases are from the state of CALIFORNIA only. For instructions on how to get your DOJ RAP sheet, see APPENDIX A, on PG. 1002.)
    Your FBI (federal) RAP sheet will list all of your cases from EVERY STATE as well as FEDERAL offenses. Use this if you have cases from more than one state or any federal convictions. For instructions on how to get your FBI RAP sheet, see APPENDIX D, on PG. 1008.

You may also be able to get information on a case from the following sources:

    Your court papers from your case.
    BUT court papers will only contain information about that particular case. If you have multiple cases, especially if they are from different counties, it may be easier to get a copy of your full California RAP sheet (or FBI RAP sheet, if you also have federal or out-of-state cases).
    Your lawyer, parole agent, probation officer, or other people at the courts or law enforcement agencies.
    BUT these people may only have limited information about your case, or may have information about 1 case but NOT others, so it’s better to go through the formal channels of getting your full RAP sheet.
    The criminal court where your case was decided.
    BUT the court will only have information for cases from that county and NOT other counties. If you only have cases from 1 county, make sure you get copies of ALL of your court papers for ALL of your cases in that county.

Now that you have your criminal records and you know what’s in them, you are ready to begin cleaning them up!