Getting Your FBI (Federal) RAP Sheet
There are two ways to get a copy of your FBI (federal) RAP sheet:
OPTION 1: Request your “Identity History Summary” (RAP sheet) from the FBI directly.
STEP 1: Fill out BOTH the FBI’s “Applicant Information Form”[3286] (see APPENDIX DD, on PG. 1067) AND the “Request for Live Scan Service” (Form BCIA 8016RR) (See APPENDIX B, on PG. 1003).[3287]
- Print the forms and fill them out by hand, OR fill out the forms online and then print them.
- Where the form says: “Type of Application,” check the box for “Record Review.”
- Where the form says: “Reason for Application,” write “Record Review” on the line.
- Review the Identity History Summary checklist (see APPENDIX E, on PG. 1002) to make sure you don’t miss any of the steps.[3288]
STEP 2: Take the completed “Request for Live Service Scan” form to a Public Live Scan Site to get fingerprinted.
- Live Scan services are available at most local police departments and sheriff’s offices.[3289] There are also hundreds of Public Live Scan sites around the state. To find a public Live Scan location near you, check your local yellow pages, or visit the DOJ website at:
STEP 3: Make your payment to the FBI.
- The charge is $18 per copy of your Identity History Summary.[3290]
- You can pay by credit card, money order, or certified check made out to the “Treasury of the United States.”
STEP 4: Mail all forms and your $18 payment to: FBI CJIS Division—Record Request, 1000 Custer Hollow Road, Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306
Note: It can take up to 3 months (or more!) to get a copy of your FBI RAP sheet after sending in your forms and payment.[3291]
For more information, visit Frequently Asked Questions about Identity History Summary checks on the FBI’s website at:[3292]
OPTION 2: Ask an FBI-approved “Channeler” (While this is a faster process, it may include extra fees!)
An FBI-approved “Channeler” is a private business that has contracted with the FBI to be the “middle-man” when you request a copy of your FBI RAP sheet. The Channeler will collect your all of your fingerprints, personal data, and fee(s), and then send everything to the FBI for you. Afterward, the FBI will send your RAP sheet to the Channeler, and the Channeler will forward the RAP sheet to you. This is a faster process than requesting your RAP sheet from the FBI directly, but channelers generally charge extra fees. Contact each Channeler to learn more about their specific procedures and instructions, processing times, and costs.
STEP 1: Find an FBI-approved Channeler.
- A list of FBI-approved Channelers is provided in APPENDIX EE, on PG. 1069.
- This list is also available on the FBI’s website at
STEP 2: Contact the Channeler directly for specific instructions, fees, and processing times.
- For more information about getting your FBI RAP sheet through an FBI-approved Channeler, see
- 3286
Identity History Summary Checks, Fed. Bureau Investigation, ↑
- 3287
Request for Live Scan Service, State of California Department of Justice, ↑
- 3288
42 U.S.C. § 14132(d)(1)(A). See also CODIS- Expungement Policy, Fed. Bureau Investigation, ↑
- 3289
California Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Criminal Records – Request Your Own, ↑
- 3290
28 C.F.R. § 16.33. ↑
- 3291
Identity History Summary Checks, Fed. Bureau Investigation, ↑
- 3292
28 C.F.R. § 16.32. ↑