What are my options if the DMV told me I have an outstanding traffic ticket?

For parking tickets:
    Once you know where you owe old parking tickets, you should contact the local parking authority directly to find out how much you owe and what to do next.
    If the ticket is old enough, it may have been sent to collections. If this is the case, you will need to contact the collection agency (county collections, a private agency, or the California Franchise Tax Board) to find out how to pay off your debt. (For more information on finding the collection agency that has your parking ticket debt, see PG. 674.)
    If you have multiple tickets, there may be more than one hold on your vehicle registration. It’s important to pay off any tickets with registration holds first, so that you can renew your registration!
For infraction and misdemeanor tickets:

If you got an infraction or misdemeanor traffic ticket and you: (1) did not pay the ticket; (2) did not go to court on the date listed on the ticket; or (3) went to court and were ordered to pay a fine by the judge, but did not pay the fine, ask if your local court has any traffic amnesty programs.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT ARREST WARRANTS: When you are charged with a “failure to appear” (FTA) or “failure to pay” (FTP), the traffic court judge may order a warrant for your arrest.[2243] If there is any chance you have an arrest warrant for one of these reasons, CONTACT A LAWYER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. A lawyer may be able to get you a court date to try and fix the situation.[2244] It is very important to attend any court dates! Be aware that even if you go to court to get the warrant removed, you will likely still have to pay for the ticket and any additional fines and fees. Learn more about reducing traffic court debt on PG. 680.


  1. 2243

    Cal. Veh. Code § 40508 (a); see also Failure to Appear, Superior Court of California County of Orange, http://www.occourts.org/directory/traffic/general-information/appearances/failure-to-appear.html.

  2. 2244

    Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, California Driver’s License Reinstatement Manual: A Legal Self-Help Guide at 5, http://lafla.org/pdf/DL_Manual_rev1-10.pdf.