It’s been more than 30 days since I turned 18, and I haven’t registered with the Selective Service. Can I still register?

    IF YOU ARE AGE 25 OR YOUNGER, then YES, you can still register. You should do so immediately![284] To register, follow the steps listed above on PG. 74.
    IF YOU ARE AGE 26 OR OLDER, it’s probably too late to register. HOWEVER, if you have good reasons for not registering earlier — such as being incarcerated continuously between the ages of 18 and 25 — then you might be able to get an official “Status Information Letter” from the Selective Service stating that you were not required to register.[285] To learn how to request a Status Information Letter, go to PG. 75.
  1. 284

    Who Must Register, Selective Serv. Sys.,

  2. 285

    Benefits and Programs Linked to Registration, Selective Serv. Sys.,;