Requesting Spousal Support

Requesting support can be very complicated so it is best to talk to a lawyer or family law facilitator to discuss your situation firsthand. Below is a chart on common support situations and the forms you would need. Please visit The Judicial Branch of California Courts at for detailed steps on what to do with these forms and how to file them properly.

Forms to Complete

How do I Ask for Temporary Partner or Spousal Support [2676]

    Request for Order (Form FL-300). You can use the Information Sheet for Request for Order (Form FL-300-INFO) to learn how. (Ask your family law facilitator if you need to check the box for “Court Order” and item 4 on Form FL-300); and
    Income and Expense Declaration (Form FL-150).

What Should I do if I Received a Domestic Violence Restraining Order and a Spousal or Partner Support Order?

    Response to Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order (Form DV-120); and
    Income and Expense Declaration (Form FL-150).
    Proof of Service by Mail (DV-250)

How can I Ask the Court to Calculate Spousal/Child Support?

    Request for Order (Form FL-300). You can use the Information Sheet for Request for Order (Form FL-300-INFO) to learn how. (Ask your family law facilitator if you need to check the box for “Court Order” and item 4 on Form FL-300) See Appendix L for the form),
    Application to Determine Arrearages (Form FL-490),
    Declaration of Payment History (Form FL-420), and
    Payment History Attachment (Form FL-421) to show the overdue support amounts.

How do I Change a Spousal Support Order?

    Request for Order (Form FL-300).
    You can use the Information Sheet for Request for Order (Form FL-300-INFO) for information to fill out the form
    See Appendix L for the form.
    Income and Expense Declaration (Form FL-150).
    Spousal or Partner Support Declaration Attachment
    This form may be needed if you are changing a spousal or partner support order made as part of your divorce or legal separation judgment, or after the judgment.
    Declaration (Form MC-030) or an Attached Declaration (Form MC-031)
    Use if you need more space to explain why you believe a change in spousal or partner support is needed.

How do I Write a Spousal Agreement [2677]

    Spousal or Partner Support Declaration Attachment (Form FL-157). Spousal, Partner, or Family Support Order Attachment (Form FL-343)
    Use as an attachment to your agreement. This form includes a lot of details that you should include in your order.
    Earnings Assignment Order for Spousal or Partner Support (Form FL-435)
    Use if you are agreeing to have the spousal or partner support paid by wage garnishment.

  1. 2676

    Judicial Council of Cal., Asking for a Spousal/Partner Support Order,

  2. 2677

    See Judicial Council of Cal., Asking for a Spousal/Partner Support Order,