Can I get off formal probation early?
Possibly. California law allows you to ask the court to be released early from your probation.[757] If you have completed all of the conditions of your probation (for example, paid all fines/fees, completed all counseling) and you are at least halfway through your probation term (for example, 1½ years through a 3-year probation term), you may be a good candidate to have your probation ended early. The process for terminating (ending) formal probation early is the same as the process for ending informal probation or Mandatory Supervision early. If your request (called a “Motion”) to end your formal probation early is granted by the judge, then you might also be able to ask for certain convictions to be dismissed from your record! For more information on how to file a Motion to Terminate Probation early, and also how to request dismissals of eligible convictions, please see the UNDERSTANDING & CLEANING UP YOUR CRIMINAL RECORD CHAPTER, beginning on PG. 931.
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Cal. Penal Code § 1203.3(a). “The court may at any time when the ends of justice will be subserved thereby, and when the good conduct and reform of the person so held on probation shall warrant it, terminate the period of probation, and discharge the person so held.” ↑