How often do I have to see my probation officer if I am on supervised release?

It depends. How often you must report to your probation officer varies widely based on the individual “supervision plan” developed for you by your probation officer.[956]

Some supervision plans require weekly meetings and even more frequent phone contact; for others, occasional or monthly contact is sufficient. Meetings may take place at the probation office, your home, or your workplace.[957] Probation officers sometimes make “surprise” visits. For this reason, it is important that you always inform your probation officer of any changes to your work schedule.

  1. 956

    See 18 U.S.C. § 3563(b)(15) (permitting the Court to order a defendant to report to a probation officer as directed by probation)

  2. 957

    See Federal Judicial Center, Who Does What?,!openform&nav=menu1&page=/federal/courts.nsf/page/360.