What will happen if my violation was also a new criminal offense?
All violations of the law are also violations of your conditions of supervision.[996] Essentially, the law treats a new criminal conviction as two wrongs: (1) Disobeying the federal court by violating a condition of your supervision, AND (2) Whatever you did to break the law.[997] If you get arrested on state or federal charges while on federal probation or Supervised Release, you will probably be violated in federal court.
A NOTE ABOUT SENTENCING WHEN THERE IS ANOTHER PENDING CRIMINAL CASE AGAINST YOU FOR THE SAME OFFENSE: Your sentence for the violation of your federal probation or Supervised Release will be SEPARATE from whatever sentence you might get in the other criminal case, and will probably FOLLOW your sentence for the new criminal conviction (in other words, these sentences will follow one after the other).
- 996
18 U.S.C. § 3565 (a). ↑
- 997
See Federal Defenders of San Diego, Violations of Probation or Supervised Release, http://www.fdsdi.com/pdf/Client_Violations.pdf. ↑