How can SENATE BILL 260 (SB 260) and SENATE BILL 261 (SB 261) help me?

If you are eligible under SB 260 or SB 261, your hearing will automatically be scheduled. See Appendix MM for an excerpt from the Human Rights Watch “Youth Offender Parole” guide. The excerpt provides a checklist for helping you determine if you are eligible for a youth offender parole hearing.[323]

If you believe that you are eligible but have been told that you are not, you can file a 602 appeal or fill out a special form from the Board of Parole Hearings (see Appendix NN for this “Form to Contest Disqualification by BPH as a ‘Youth Offender’”).

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    You can write or call us to request a complete copy of Human Rights Watch’s “Youth Offender Parole” guide.