I believe my Medi-Cal was wrongly denied or stopped. How do I appeal?

If and when the Medi-Cal office decides to suspend or end your Medi-Cal coverage, it must send you a “Notice of Action” explaining this decision.[1590] If you disagree with the decision and want to appeal (challenge) it, read the back of the Notice for instructions about how to request a hearing.

In general, you’ll need to contact the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) State Hearings Division:

    By phone: 1-855-795-0634
    By fax: 1-916-651-2789
    By email: shdacabureau@dss.ca.gov
    By mail: P.O. Box 944243, Mail Station 9-17-37; Sacramento, California 94244-2430.

Or you may try calling Health Consumer Alliance (HCA), a non-profit organization dedicated to providing information about and helping Californians to get health care. For a list of local HCA call centers, please visit http://healthconsumer.org/index.php?id=partners.

  1. 1590

    Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code §§ 14011.10, 14005.37, 14053.7, 14053.8; 22 C.C.R. § 50179.