Can my U.S. probation officer send me back to prison?
No, your probation officer cannot send you back to prison, but it is part of the officer’s job to tell the court about a violation of your conditions. The judge at court, however, usually CAN send you back to prison.
- MINOR VIOLATIONS: Typically, if your probation officer learns of a minor violation of a condition, or believes that a violation is likely to happen, the officer will discuss with you how to avoid a more serious problem. Alternatively, the probation officer might ask the judge to modify your conditions of Federal Probation or Supervised Release.
- SERIOUS or REPEATED VIOLATIONS: After a serious violation or repeated violations, your probation officer may tell a judge about these violations and request revocation of your Federal Probation/Supervised Release. If this happens, you have the right to a revocation hearing, at which the judge may decide to revoke your Federal Probation/Supervised Release and send you back to prison.[988]
- 988
See Federal Judicial Council, Who Does What?,!openform&nav=menu1&page=/federal/courts.nsf/page/360. ↑